I Understand that I am responsible for notifying the beauty therapist if any of the information should change before treatment.
I confirm that the information is true to be best of my knowledge. I have been fully informed about the expected results and effects of my treatment and agree to follow all aftercare advise provided by therapist. I acknowledge that all information is confidential and will be held on file for 7 years, being solely for the purpose and use of my therapist. I hereby give my consent to proceed with treatment.
I understand and agree that all services rendered are charged directly to me and I am personally responsible for payment. I further agree in the event of non-payment, to bear the cost of collection, and/or Court cost and reasonable legal fees, should this be required. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing informed consent and agree to the treatment with its associated risks.
Under fake not to make a claim against the therapist and salon and do hereby indemnify and hold the said business, its Owner and Employees harmless in respect of any claim or damage suffered by me in the consequence of undergoing the treatments procedure.